Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh, holy crap

WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!! Brooklyn flew a plane last night. NIGHT FLIGHT, what in the heck??
Yeah, the plan was to just get a ride, not actually take the controls....B's not even done with ground school!! The instructor just told her to take off, kind of talked her through it......and BAM! Perfect takeoff! Believe it or not, people....
What a rush!
K, we love y'all!!! Hopefully we'll get the camera up and going soon, for pictures flying. In the mean time, B says she's taking the video camera next time. Maybe we'll try and post some videos on here!


  1. Hey Guys! The food looks great over there! I need your e-mail address. This is Jay in Tucson by the way! I might be traveling to China this summer! It's not a school sponsored trip but it's being put together by our culinary director. Friends are welcome to come along and you guys are in the neighborhood!

  2. Yay, Jay! haha
    We've missed you! We'll email you soon, if you check this first: email B at
